Vegetable Baskets: Frequently Asked Questions

Unsure if a Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) basket is right for you? Do you have a question about how our program works? Don't worry, we are here to help! Below is a list of frequently asked questions regarding our CSA basket program.

  1. What's so great about Community-Supported Agriculture? Community supported agriculture (CSA) is a food partnership that allows you to support local farmers while enjoying seasonal produce. Members buy a share of the anticipated harvest and receive produce in regular instalments throughout the season. By purchasing a share ahead of time, farmers receive their financial inputs when they are preparing for the season ahead. Being part of a CSA share will connect you to your food and community like never before.
  2. What types of vegetables will I receive in my basket? Each week, baskets will include a diverse selection of vegetables, herbs, or fruits depending on what's in season. You can expect to receive popular vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and lettuce; however, your vegetable basket will provide an exciting opportunity to discover new foods such as fennel, kohlrabi or ground cherries. 
  3. When and where is vegetable pick-up? Vegetables will be picked up between 4:30-6:30pm on Thursdays on lower McTavish Street. You will receive a weekly reminder to pick up your produce.
  4. Will my vegetables actually come in a basket? No, don't be fooled by the name! When you arrive at pick-up, the vegetables will be sorted into separate bins and you will be informed by Market Coordinators how many of each vegetable you can take. Please bring reusable bags for pick-up!
  5. What if I miss a vegetable basket pick-up? Unfortunately, we are unable to store leftover produce for pick up at another date. Come 7:00 o'clock on the evening of pick-up, all leftover produce is donated to our friends at Robin Du Bois, a non-profit restaurant in the Plateau. If you are going to miss a pick-up, we encourage you to find a family member, friend, or colleague who can pick it up (or eat it!) for you.
  6. I signed up for a vegetable basket, but am no longer able to commit. Can I get a refund? The McGill Farmers' Market has a strict no-refund policy. We pay our farm suppliers early in the season so that they can purchase the supplies they need.