Jardins de la Résistance: Why You Should Sign Up for a CSA!

Wondering what the benefits of a community-supported agriculture share are? This week, we've been sharing thoughts from our three amazing vegetable suppliers. In our third post, farmers from Les Jardins de la Résistance share their thoughts:

Why CSA?

To encourage ecological agriculture and to support family farms or cooperatives made up of people who are passionate about their work. CSA creates a link between you and a farm, which allows you know the journey of your vegetables, from the moment they come out of the ground to the moment they arrive on your plate.

Some of the advantages of CSA for consumers:

  • Super fresh products (harvested the same day as they are delivered)! 
  • Knowing where your food comes from and that it is organically and ecologically produced.
  • Supporting a local business - all of your money goes directly to the farmers and their families.
  • Often CSA baskets are less expensive than buying vegetables at groceries stores and markets.
  • Trying new and interesting vegetables!
  • Access to events at the farm.

Advantages for the farmers:

  • Financial security at the beginning of the season.
  • Less waste and the capacity to precisely plan for the season.
  • A close relationship with customers.

You can sign up for a basket in no time on our website! New this year, we are accepting online payments to make registration quick and simple. Visit here to learn more about farms, prices, and dates.