Meet the New Team!

This Spring, the McGill Farmers' Market transitioned into a new team of coordinators who will be responsible for managing our fall market and community-supported agriculture program. We are pleased to introduce Zoe, Kelvin, and Claire to the team. Our Promotions & Outreach Coordinator, Monica, will be continuing as a member of the team for a second season.

Claire Kingston, Finance Coordinator

Claire is a 3rd year sociology student from Toronto, Ontario, who’s passionate about community development and is looking forward to gaining insight into the role of environmental and food-based organizations in fostering social sustainability. As finance coordinator, she’ll have the opportunity to interact with vendors and customers through the CSA basket program, and is excited to get to know the market community!



Monica Allaby, Promotions & Outreach Coordinator

Monica is a third year Geography student from Fredericton, New Brunswick. This summer, she will be balancing her time between the McGill Farmers' Market, the McGill Office of Sustainability, and the Land & Food Lab where she is conducting research for her Honours thesis. Since becoming involved with the Farmers' Market as a volunteer in Fall 2014, the Market has become, quite simply, a labour of love. She is thrilled to be back for another season! 


 Kelvin Mansaray, Co-Coordinator

Kelvin is a U1 History student from Halifax, Nova Scotia. He is always amazed by the many communities that form around shared passions, like food and sustainable agriculture! As a person who loves connecting with others, Kelvin is excited to gain a deeper understanding of the people and process behind Quebec's sustainable food system. In his free time, Kelvin loves to play the Violin, listen to all kinds of music, and dance.


Zoe Garyfalakis, Co-Coordinator

Zoe is a fourth year Environment and Political Science student from Hockley Valley, Ontario. Growing up on a small organic bee farm, she learned from an early age the importance of supporting local food producers. Zoe is especially interested in connecting people with where their food comes from to promote sustainability, equity and community. When she’s not studying, you can find Zoe at the art gallery or enjoying the sunshine. She loves meeting new people and chatting about just about anything, so be sure to say 'Hi' at the market!