Why You Should Sign Up for CSA!

Wondering what the benefits of a community-supported agriculture share are? This week, we'll be sharing thoughts from our three amazing vegetable suppliers. To begin, here is Shaina Hayes from the MacDonald Student-Run Ecological Gardens on why you should sign up or a community-supported vegetable basket:

"Signing up for a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) basket share will serve to bring you and your farmer closer together through regular basket-pickups and interactions, as well as to shift payment of goods to the beginning of the growing season which helps the farmer cover significant production costs which are incurred long before first harvest.  This is a thoughtful, fun and easy way to support local food production, and it will also guarantee you your fill of fresh, healthy produce this growing season!"

You can sign up for a basket in no time on our website! New this year, we are accepting online payments to make registration quick and simple. Visit here to learn more about farms, prices, and dates.